Welcome to Scrolling Nav

A landing page template freshly redesigned for Bootstrap 4

About this page

This is a great place to talk about your webpage. This template is purposefully unstyled so you can use it as a boilerplate or starting point for you own landing page designs! This template features:

  • Clickable nav links that smooth scroll to page sections
  • Responsive behavior when clicking nav links perfect for a one page website
  • Bootstrap's scrollspy feature which highlights which section of the page you're on in the navbar
  • Minimal custom CSS so you are free to explore your own unique design options

Services we offer

This is a great place to talk about your webpage. This template is purposefully unstyled so you can use it as a boilerplate or starting point for you own landing page designs! This template features:

Contact us

This is a great place to talk about your webpage. This template is purposefully unstyled so you can use it as a boilerplate or starting point for you own landing page designs! This template features: